Friday, October 25, 2013

I love my dog sitter.

Mike had to go out of town so Taylor and  Michelle are tag teaming my dog sitting duty! I got a new bone! This has been awesome!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Taking a bath!

 So today it was determined that I needed a bath.
So the girls decided to accomplish this task in the front yard!
 I was busy playing with the hose and then next thing you know......

I get soap bombed!

I guess it wasn't that bad!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Drinking water from the hose!!!

I absolutely love drinking from the hose. It my new favorite thing is helping to water the flowers and wash the cars. Of course no one gets anything done, but I have fun!

My new best friend

 As you can tell I am just having so much fun with snow ball. She is only 12 pounds, but likes to run and jump. We played for about an hour. I am not sure why she slept for 3 hours after that.
She is not afraid of me and likes to hang onto my fur. I have to be careful so that I don't fling her around.
 Sharing is tough she wanted all of my tennis balls. Small sacrifice I guess for my new friend.

Ok maybe I was tired too!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Swimming in the Pool

What can I say? It is 90 degrees outside! I love swimming, now I can swim in the pool.  

Rands and Tay just think I am the best!
Apparently the show poodle in me is coming out! Look at this nifty trick!

Monday, June 10, 2013

My second kayaking trip! Larks Lake

 Here are my steps to a successful kayaking trip.
1. Make someone help you get in, it can be tricky.

2. Sit and enjoy the ride while someone else does all the work.

3. Sit right on the edge so that your tail remains in the water. This prompts everyone to freak out that the kayak is going to tip. Make it look like you have no cares in the world.

4. Step 4, stand and enjoy the ride!

Not bad for 8 months old and 65 lbs!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Lake Michigan-My First Visit

I got to see the Port of Cross Village today! It was great fun even though the water was, well......refreshing! I got take a long walk and hang out with the kayaks!!!